10 Reasons Why You Should Go to the Gym (2021 Update)

reasons to go to the gym

If you need reasons to go to the gym, chances are you’re simply being lazy.

But don’t worry, I won’t judge you.

Everyone needs some motivation every once in a while.

Even though you might be slacking on the gym going, statistically speaking you’re not alone.

According to Statisticbrain, about 67% of people who have gym memberships never use them and of those who do go to the gym, average only around 2 times a week.

With that being said, you’re probably still wondering what I can say to convince you to get your ass in the gym.

Well, don’t worry I’m about to outline 10 awesome reasons to go to the gym.

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5 Bodyweight Exercises You Don’t Do Enough

man in crossfit gym doing a handstand pushup

If you had a nickel for every time someone asked a question about training frequency, how rich would you be? Some lifters prefer Monday-Tuesday-Thursday-Friday; some like Monday-Wednesday-Friday; and others like to hit different parts of their body everyday. Then there are questions about other nuances of a training regimen, like diet, reps, weight, hypertrophy, and so on. At the root of all of these areas of uncertainty should be the most fundamental question: what are you trying to improve, and why? If you hesitate for one moment on the answer to this question, then you are doing yourself a disservice.

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6 Ways to Build Better Grip Strength

a man's hand gripping a dumbbell on the floor

You’ve seen them before – forearms the size of legs, bursting through rolled up t-shirts with reckless abandon. There is never any question that the owners of these super-strong arms is a man’s man; someone who can protect, lead, and won’t take no for an answer. Why is it then that most of us train our forearms and grips like second-class citizens? If anything, grip and wrist strength should receive at least as much dedicated effort as chest and biceps: the beach muscles.

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8 Benefits of Early Morning Workouts

body boarder running into the waves early in the morning

Don’t get me wrong I love to sleep, but as much as I enjoy cocooning under my covers I  enjoy having a productive and fulfilling day much much more.

About a month ago I started getting to the gym at 6am instead of my usual 7:30pm and boy have my productivity and overall energy levels increased dramatically!

In case you haven’t jumped on the early gym train yourself quite yet, I’ve thrown together some benefits of early morning workouts. If these don’t get your ass in the gym a little earlier then maybe you aren’t as motivated as you think…

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5 Simple Tips For Sticking To Your Diet

cutting board with tape measure

As anyone who’s undergone some serious training for a body transformation will tell you; pumping iron in the gym is the easy part – the hard part is your diet. Diet is just as important, if not more important than what you do in the gym when trying to build muscle mass or lose weight.

The main difference here is that you may spend an hour or two in the gym a day, but you diet 24 hours a day. As you can imagine, the diet becomes the hardest part to stick to as the days and weeks roll by in your training program.  With that said, there are certain things you can do thought to make the process a bit easier and start eating right on a routine basis.

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5 Easy Ways To Pack on Lean Muscle

pack on lean muscle

Let me guess you’re either:

a) Hitting the gym consistently and just can’t seem to make any gains OR b) You’re new to the whole lifting thing and are just looking to get as big as possible as fast as possible.

Either way, you’re probably looking for an easy solution to your problem.

Well, I hate to break it to you but there’s not. There simply is no easy way to pack on muscle besides busting your ass.

With that said, there are certain things you can do to move the process along.

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