5 Easy Ways To Pack on Lean Muscle

pack on lean muscle

Let me guess you’re either:

a) Hitting the gym consistently and just can’t seem to make any gains OR b) You’re new to the whole lifting thing and are just looking to get as big as possible as fast as possible.

Either way, you’re probably looking for an easy solution to your problem.

Well, I hate to break it to you but there’s not. There simply is no easy way to pack on muscle besides busting your ass.

With that said, there are certain things you can do to move the process along.

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How to Use Free Weights Effectively

how to use free weights effectively

Do you ever look over to the free weight section in your gym and wonder what everyone uses them for?

I used to do that too, until I learned how effective they can be.

Once I learned how to use free weights and implemented them into my workout effectively, my gains improved dramatically. After just 1 month of using free weights in my routine my max went up on all my lifts, especially my bench max. But more on that later.

So lets break it down, what exactly are these magical free weights and why is it so important for you to use them?

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Ultimate Gym Guide For Beginners: Your Guide to the Gym

gym guide for beginners

So, you’ve joined the gym and you are going a few times per week but have absolutely no idea what to do. You probably feel overwhelmed and out of place. You’re also probably a little self conscious and afraid to try the workouts you see everyone else doing. You feel like you might screw them up and look like an idiot.

Well, I used to feel the same way. You are not alone. However, once I learned a few things and gained some confidence all those fears quickly disappeared and I was focused on myself. I started to care less and less what other people in the gym thought about me. There’s so much to learn when you first start lifting. Trust me I know it can be overwhelming, but hopefully with these few tips you will have an idea of what to do as soon as you walk in the door. That way you can maximize your time in the gym and as a result maximize your gains as well.

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Guide: 6 Essential Workouts That Get You Big

do you even squat bro meme

If you are looking for a “know all, end all” guide to getting big you’re most likely not going to find one. And if you do, let me know because I would love to see it. However, there are definitely certain workouts that get you big. Much bigger than others. If performed correctly and consistently, these workouts will transform your physique. Not only can they transform your body, but they will also improve all your other lifts in the gym. If you workout and don’t implement these into your routine, you are seriously missing out on some massive gains. Everyone loves gains right? So here we go…

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